Diff & Merge Tools
To understand what happened in a project, you need to inspect changes. And since changes are represented as "diffs", it's crucial to be able to understand these diffs.
Although Tower offers its own integrated diff viewer, it can still make sense to use an external diff tool application - which is dedicated to just this single job. It can help you understand diffs even better by offering advanced features like special formatting and different presentation modes (side-by-side, combined in a single column, etc.).

Some of these tools can even help you solve merge conflicts. Especially in this situation, you'll quickly come to appreciate a tool that helps reduce complexity and avoid mistakes.
Today, there are lots of great tools on the market. Below is a short list to give you an overview:
- Beyond Compare www.scootersoftware.com (Mac, Win, Linux)
- Araxis Merge: www.araxis.com (Mac, Win)
- DeltaWalker: www.deltawalker.com (Mac, Win, Linux)
- Kaleidoscope: www.kaleidoscopeapp.com (Mac)