Tower Help & Support

Repairing Worktrees

If Tower detects an invalid Worktree, selecting the Worktree item in the “Worktrees” section of the sidebar will display a special detail view with options to either delete or attempt to repair the Worktree.

Common Causes of Broken Worktrees

  • Moved Destination: Most often, the issue arises when the Worktree directory has been moved to a new location without updating its references in the Git configuration using the git worktree command or Tower.

How to Repair a Worktree

  1. Select the Worktree: Click the broken Worktree item in the sidebar. Tower will automatically display a detail view with repair options.
  2. Choose to Repair: Select Repair option from the detail view.
  3. Select the New Destination: If the Worktree has been moved, Tower will display a dialog prompting you to select the new destination directory for the Worktree.
  4. Repair References: Tower will update all relevant Git references to point to the selected destination, restoring the Worktree to a functional state.

Delete as an Alternative

If the Worktree cannot be repaired or is no longer needed, you can choose the Delete option to remove the broken Worktree from the repository.