Tower Help & Support

Moving Worktrees

You can move a Worktree to a new location while keeping its configuration intact. Tower will update all necessary references automatically, ensuring the Worktree remains fully functional.

How to Move a Worktree

  1. Right-click a Worktree in the “Worktrees” section of the sidebar and select Move Worktree….
  2. Choose a new destination folder.
  3. Submit the dialog to update all references to reflect the new location.

Important: Always Move Worktrees Through Tower
Moving a Worktree manually in the file system will break its Git configuration, causing it to become unusable. To ensure a smooth transition, always use Tower’s “Move Worktree” action to relocate Worktrees properly.
If a Worktree has already been moved manually and is now broken, you can use Tower’s Repair Worktree feature to restore it by selecting its new location and updating its references.