Mac Dev Survey 2022 — The Results
2,506 developers working on the Mac answered the call and took part in our 2022 survey. Besides working through 26 individual questions, they also answered a more far-reaching question: Who are we as a community?
- March-April 2022
- 2,506 participants
Developer Profile

Developer Profile — 1/4
Age and work experience
As before, the majority of our partcipants are in their thirties or forties, meaning that the average developer on the Mac has quite some experience to draw on!
Age (years)
Work experience (years)
Developer Profile — 2/4
Our community really spans the world! People from more than 90 countries took part, from India to Iceland and from Australia to Argentina!

Developer Profile — 3/4
Company size
Mac developers work in all sizes of teams, many of them at either extreme end of the scale. It's fascinating to see that almost half of our participants work either solo or in companies of 500+ people!
Developer Profile — 4/4
Actual programming time per day
Despite the number of tasks knowledge workers have to handle, two thirds of developers manage to spend more than 4 hours each day actually coding. A tenth of participants regularly get in more than 8 hours of coding a day.

Three out of four developers working on a Mac do web or mobile development. Read the answers to 20+ other questions in our Mac Dev Survey results!
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Technology and
Programming Languages

Tech and Languages — 1/5
What type of development do you mostly do?
A large majority of our participants work with web and mobile. Data engineer, an option we added this year, received 1.7% of responses.
Tech and Languages — 2/5
Is design part of your role?
We thought it would be interesting to know to what extent the average Mac developer also handles design-related tasks, and the picture is clear: more than 80 % of participants do at least some design work!

Tech and Languages — 3/5
Do you contribute to open source on a regular basis?
It's very cool to see that almost 60% of our community contribute to Open Source projects, with 1.7% doing Open Source as their main type of work!
Tech and Languages — 4/5
Do you write unit tests for your code?
Unit testing is clearly an established practice, with over two thirds of developers spending at least some of their time writing unit tests!
Tech and Languages — 5/5
Which programming languages do you work with the most?
Given the focus on web and mobile among our participants, it comes as no surprise that the most used programming languages are JavaScript, Swift and CSS. Interestingly, TypeScript usage increased by almost 4 percentage points compared to last year!
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Learning and Staying

Learning — 1/3
Which languages would you like to learn?
Swift and Rust are the languages Mac Developers are most interested in learning! For this year's survey, we added Kotlin, the preferred language for Android development according to Google. Clearly, quite a few people are curious about Kotlin as well!
Learning — 2/3
From what kind of sources do you prefer to learn?
For this year, we corrected an omission from last year and added Official Documentation as an option. Thankfully, this quickly rose to the top along with blog posts and courses!
Learning — 3/3
What are your favorite development news sources?
The answers submitted range from old classics to new contenders. Here's a sample from the hundreds of different sources you shared with us: freeCodeCamp,, Hacking with Swift, Laracasts, Traversy Media, Rachel Andrew,, Wes Bos, Swift by Sundell, Ars Technica and HackerNoon.

Development Tools

Development Tools — 1/3
Which code hosting platform do you use?
GitHub remains the most popular code hosting platform by far. Interestingly, well over a tenth of participants choose a self-managed solution or don't use a code hosting platform at all!
Development Tools — 2/3
Which text editor do you use?
Given the popularity of JavaScript and Swift, it's no surprise to see Visual Studio Code and Xcode at the top of our poll. Quite a few in our community use the command-line modal editor Vim!
Development Tools — 3/3
Do you use a tool for diffing and merging?
Almost half of us don't use a dedicated tool for diffing and merging. Among those who do, however, Kaleidoscope and the default File Merge app are the tools of choice!

Swift, Rust and Go are the languages developers on the Mac are most interested in learning. Learn about this and 20+ other stats in our Mac Dev Survey results!
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Other Productivity
and Work Tools

Productivity and Tools — 1/6
Which tools do you use to track bugs & issues?
Jira is still the number one choice when it comes to issue tracking. Trello, an option we added this year, is used by almost a tenth of participants.
Productivity and Tools — 2/6
Do you use a tool for task management?
JIRA is not only popular for tracking issues, but also for general task tracking. Interestingly, GitHub Projects, an option we added this year, quickly occupied second place!
Productivity and Tools — 3/6
Are you using a file-sharing solution at work?
Google Drive remains the dominant file-sharing solution, with Microsoft OneDrive in second place. Dropbox is roughly as popular as using no file-sharing solution at all!
Productivity and Tools — 4/6
Does your team use some kind of intranet for shared documentation?
Atlassian is well represented in this section, providing not only Jira but also the most popular intranet solution; Confluence. In this one, it's Google Drive which is roughly as popular as using no bespoke solution at all!
Productivity and Tools — 5/6
Which workflow or tool do you struggle the most with?
As you can imagine, this question received many wildly varying answers! A pattern emerges, though: Jira, Git and CI/CD cause developers to struggle the most.

Productivity and Tools — 6/6
What's your favorite development tool?
As the conductors of this survey, we're happy to see so many mentions of our Tower Git client! However, many other tools are dear to our developer community: Visual Studio Code, Xcode and, interestingly, relative newcomer Nova!

Not So Serious

Not So Serious — 1/2
Do you listen to music when working?
Last year's survey left no room for doubt: an overwhelming majority of developers listen to music at least some of the time while working. This year, we asked what kind of music you listen to. Unsurprisingly, electronic music came out on top, closely followed by rock and pop. Classical music is in fourth place, coming in ahead of hip hop and jazz!